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Lucky Gemstones In Numerology

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<div class="hs_ar_second_sec_cont_wrapper"><h2 style="color:#1d58a8;font-size:30px;text-align:left">Let us see the gemstones which are based on the life path numbers :</h2></br><p>Number 1 : Ruby</br>Number 2 : Pearl</br>Number 3 : Yellow sapphire</br>Number 4 : Light blue Sapphire or Hessonite</br>Number 5 : Emerald</br>Number 6 : Diamond</br>Number 7 : Cat’s Eye</br>Number 8 : Blue sapphire or Neelam</br>Number 9 : Red Coral</p></br><h2 style="color:#1d58a8;font-size:40px;text-align:left">Now let us discuss about the date of birth gemstones :</h2></br><h3 style="color:#D1730E;font-size:25px;text-align:left">The date of birth on 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th :</h3><p>As said earlier Ruby is suited for the leaders as it associated with the Sun. This stone will enhance your leading capacity and give you confidence even if you are not up to the mark. The other recommended stones are Topaz or Sapphire.</br></br><strong>Best professions :</strong> Administrator, Manager or even Company heads.</br></br><strong>The correct way to wear it :</strong> The stone should be at least 4 to 5 carats and the best metal should be in gold. But the best place should be in the right hand ring finger.</p></br><h3 style="color:#D1730E;font-size:25px;text-align:left">The date of birth on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th :</h3><p>These numbers are ruled by Moon or Ketu. Thus the most favourable gemstone is Pearl. It will enhance your innovative and creative skills altogether. The best suited the other gemstones that are recommended for you are Cat’s Eye, Jade, white sapphire, Tiger’s eye, clear quartz stone or even Moon-stone.</br></br><strong>Best professions :</strong> Artists, Shipping, oil or dairy industries also.</br></br><strong>The correct way to wear it :</strong> This will be worn only on Mondays and in the form of ring. It will be good for those having insomnia due to depression and sometimes memory loss.</p></br><h3 style="color:#D1730E;font-size:25px;text-align:left">The date of birth on 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th :</h3><p>These numbers are ruled by the planet Jupiter and it is best for Yellow Sapphire.</br></br><strong>Best professions :</strong> Banking, Revenue departments, other financial sectors and also in education field.</br></br><strong>The correct way to wear it :</strong> It is best if you wear it with the metal gold and the correct finger should be the index finger. The best day to wear it is on any fortnight of Thursday. The stone should be 5 carat at least to give better results.</p></br><h3 style="color:#D1730E;font-size:25px;text-align:left">The date of birth on 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st :</h3><p>These numbers are ruled by Rahu and it is suited for Light blue Sapphire or Gomed, also known as Cinnamon Stone. This stone will give you a drastic change with your health. The other stones that are suitable are Garnet, Blue Aquamarine or even Opal.</br></br><strong>Best professions :</strong> It also gives a positive change in your profession and career, along with changes in your courage, will power, strength and gives you success in any kind of profession.</br></br><strong>The correct way to wear it :</strong> The stone can be preferred to wear in the middle or little finger also. It should be wear in the middle or a little finger. The best day of wearing it is on Wednesday.</p></br><h3 style="color:#D1730E;font-size:25px;text-align:left">The date of birth on 5th, 14th and 23rd :</h3><p>This planet is ruled by Mercury and it is best for Emerald. The other gemstones are Zircon and Diamond.</br></br><strong>Best professions :</strong> Commerce, Business based on international and research works.</br></br><strong>The correct way to wear it :</strong> The stone should be worn with either gold or silver with at least 5 carats. It should be wear in the little finger on any auspicious Wednesday.</p></br><h3 style="color:#D1730E;font-size:25px;text-align:left">The date of birth on 6th, 15th and 24th :</h3><p>The diamond can bring love between the married couples. You can also wear green Aquamarine or Moonstone Cat’s Eye instead of Diamond.</br></br><strong>Best professions :</strong> Designing professions such as fashion, interior decoration, jewellery or even any other creative field. It can also be suitable for those in the acting profession.</br></br><strong>The correct way to wear it :</strong> The stone should be wearing on the middle finger on any auspicious Friday. The minimum weight should be 1 carat and the metal should be in yellow or white gold.</p></br><h3 style="color:#D1730E;font-size:25px;text-align:left">The date of birth on 7th, 16th and 25th :</h3><p>It represents all the seven numbers such as the days, continents, and wonders of the world, stars, weeks and colors.  Your lucky gemstone is the Cat’s Eye which can bring you acquisitions from all around.</br></br><strong>Best professions :</strong> Public Motivator, Speaker, Research works or in Writings also.</br></br><strong>The correct way to wear it :</strong> It should be wear in the little finger with the metal of silver or with Ashta Dhatu also. The best day of wearing a Cat’s Eye is on Thursday. The stone should be at least 3 carats.</p></br><h3 style="color:#D1730E;font-size:25px;text-align:left">The date of birth on 8th, 17th and 26th :</h3><p>The stone that is best for those who are born on these dates is the Blue Sapphire which is a very powerful gem and it can bring success to a person or even make him suffer also. Thus it is suggested to give a trial of the stone before using it. This stone can bring energy and gives relief from paralysis and neurosis. The substitute for this stone is Blue Aquamarine.</br></br><strong>Best professions :</strong> Sales, Transports like Railways or Aeroplane, Oil fields or even Mining.</br></br><strong>The correct way to wear it :</strong> he stone should be wearing in the middle finger. The metals with which it can be wear with are silver or with the Ashta Dhatu.</p></br><h3 style="color:#D1730E;font-size:25px;text-align:left">The date of birth on 9th, 18th and 27th :</h3><p>The numbers are ruled by Mars and hence the gemstone which is best suited is the Red Coral.</br></br><strong>Best professions :</strong> Defence professions such as Navy, Army and Air force where blood shading is more involved.</br></br><strong>The correct way to wear it :</strong> The stone should be at least 7 carats. The metal should be with gold and wear it on any ring fingers of left or right hands. Any auspicious Tuesdays are favorable to wear it.</p></br><h2 style="color:#1d58a8;font-size:30px;text-align:left">Gemstones based on the planetary system are :</h2></br><p>it is believed by many astrologers that numerology has its effects on the traditional Vedic astrology so let us discuss the planets and the gemstones.</br></br>Sun: Ruby</br>Moon: Pearl</br>Mercury: Emerald</br>Venus: Diamond</br>Mars: Coral</br>Jupiter: Yellow Sapphire</br>Saturn: Blue Sapphire</br>Rahu: Gomed</br>Ketu: Cat’s Eye</p></br><h2 style="color:#1d58a8;font-size:25px;text-align:left">There are some important points which should be remembered like :</h2><ul style="list-style:disc;padding-left:30px;"> <li>The stones should be worn in contact with the skin.</li> <li>To find a good gemstone is to find if there are any cracks or holes or any other spots in them.</li> <li>The gemstones should be certified for its authenticity check.</li> <li>Another important thing is that if the main gemstone is substituted with any other gemstones then it should be the nearest ones.</li> </ul></div>

Let us see the gemstones which are based on the life path numbers :

Number 1 : Ruby
Number 2 : Pearl
Number 3 : Yellow sapphire
Number 4 : Light blue Sapphire or Hessonite
Number 5 : Emerald
Number 6 : Diamond
Number 7 : Cat’s Eye
Number 8 : Blue sapphire or Neelam
Number 9 : Red Coral

Now let us discuss about the date of birth gemstones :

The date of birth on 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th :

As said earlier Ruby is suited for the leaders as it associated with the Sun. This stone will enhance your leading capacity and give you confidence even if you are not up to the mark. The other recommended stones are Topaz or Sapphire.

Best professions : Administrator, Manager or even Company heads.

The correct way to wear it : The stone should be at least 4 to 5 carats and the best metal should be in gold. But the best place should be in the right hand ring finger.

The date of birth on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th :

These numbers are ruled by Moon or Ketu. Thus the most favourable gemstone is Pearl. It will enhance your innovative and creative skills altogether. The best suited the other gemstones that are recommended for you are Cat’s Eye, Jade, white sapphire, Tiger’s eye, clear quartz stone or even Moon-stone.

Best professions : Artists, Shipping, oil or dairy industries also.

The correct way to wear it : This will be worn only on Mondays and in the form of ring. It will be good for those having insomnia due to depression and sometimes memory loss.

The date of birth on 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th :

These numbers are ruled by the planet Jupiter and it is best for Yellow Sapphire.

Best professions : Banking, Revenue departments, other financial sectors and also in education field.

The correct way to wear it : It is best if you wear it with the metal gold and the correct finger should be the index finger. The best day to wear it is on any fortnight of Thursday. The stone should be 5 carat at least to give better results.

The date of birth on 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st :

These numbers are ruled by Rahu and it is suited for Light blue Sapphire or Gomed, also known as Cinnamon Stone. This stone will give you a drastic change with your health. The other stones that are suitable are Garnet, Blue Aquamarine or even Opal.

Best professions : It also gives a positive change in your profession and career, along with changes in your courage, will power, strength and gives you success in any kind of profession.

The correct way to wear it : The stone can be preferred to wear in the middle or little finger also. It should be wear in the middle or a little finger. The best day of wearing it is on Wednesday.

The date of birth on 5th, 14th and 23rd :

This planet is ruled by Mercury and it is best for Emerald. The other gemstones are Zircon and Diamond.

Best professions : Commerce, Business based on international and research works.

The correct way to wear it : The stone should be worn with either gold or silver with at least 5 carats. It should be wear in the little finger on any auspicious Wednesday.

The date of birth on 6th, 15th and 24th :

The diamond can bring love between the married couples. You can also wear green Aquamarine or Moonstone Cat’s Eye instead of Diamond.

Best professions : Designing professions such as fashion, interior decoration, jewellery or even any other creative field. It can also be suitable for those in the acting profession.

The correct way to wear it : The stone should be wearing on the middle finger on any auspicious Friday. The minimum weight should be 1 carat and the metal should be in yellow or white gold.

The date of birth on 7th, 16th and 25th :

It represents all the seven numbers such as the days, continents, and wonders of the world, stars, weeks and colors. Your lucky gemstone is the Cat’s Eye which can bring you acquisitions from all around.

Best professions : Public Motivator, Speaker, Research works or in Writings also.

The correct way to wear it : It should be wear in the little finger with the metal of silver or with Ashta Dhatu also. The best day of wearing a Cat’s Eye is on Thursday. The stone should be at least 3 carats.

The date of birth on 8th, 17th and 26th :

The stone that is best for those who are born on these dates is the Blue Sapphire which is a very powerful gem and it can bring success to a person or even make him suffer also. Thus it is suggested to give a trial of the stone before using it. This stone can bring energy and gives relief from paralysis and neurosis. The substitute for this stone is Blue Aquamarine.

Best professions : Sales, Transports like Railways or Aeroplane, Oil fields or even Mining.

The correct way to wear it : he stone should be wearing in the middle finger. The metals with which it can be wear with are silver or with the Ashta Dhatu.

The date of birth on 9th, 18th and 27th :

The numbers are ruled by Mars and hence the gemstone which is best suited is the Red Coral.

Best professions : Defence professions such as Navy, Army and Air force where blood shading is more involved.

The correct way to wear it : The stone should be at least 7 carats. The metal should be with gold and wear it on any ring fingers of left or right hands. Any auspicious Tuesdays are favorable to wear it.

Gemstones based on the planetary system are :

it is believed by many astrologers that numerology has its effects on the traditional Vedic astrology so let us discuss the planets and the gemstones.

Sun: Ruby
Moon: Pearl
Mercury: Emerald
Venus: Diamond
Mars: Coral
Jupiter: Yellow Sapphire
Saturn: Blue Sapphire
Rahu: Gomed
Ketu: Cat’s Eye

There are some important points which should be remembered like :

  • The stones should be worn in contact with the skin.
  • To find a good gemstone is to find if there are any cracks or holes or any other spots in them.
  • The gemstones should be certified for its authenticity check.
  • Another important thing is that if the main gemstone is substituted with any other gemstones then it should be the nearest ones.
